Ruth Tuck Art School  

Child Safe Environment Policy

1. Background

The Ruth Tuck Art School (‘the school’) is committed to provide an environment where children and young people are protected, feel respected, valued, and are encouraged to reach their full potential.

2. Purpose

The school has developed this policy with reference to the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017. It outlines the responsibilities of management and staff who work with

children and young people in any capacity, either on site or at external locations when representing the school.

3. Scope

Management, staff, contractors, volunteers and any other adults (over the age of 18) who work with or interact with children as representatives of the school are required to agree in writing, to accept and act in accordance with this policy.

This policy refers to all activities involving children and young people for which the school is responsible.

4. Children and young people’s participation

The Ruth Tuck Art School recognises the importance of empowering the voices and opinions of children and young people and encourages their participation by:

  1. Ensuring children and young people are informed of their rights and the standard of behaviour expected of both adults, children and young people at the school.

  2. Encouraging, listening to and acting on feedback provided by children, young people and their caregivers.

  3. Children and young people are included in conversations about health and safety and are given opportunities to provide feedback at classes.

5. Code of Conduct

The school’s code of conduct outlines expected and appropriate standards of behaviour by all staff (including volunteers and contractors). All staff are required to review, agree to and comply with the code of conduct before commencing employment or undertaking work with the school. The code of conduct is available on the school’s website and by request.

Breaches in the code of conduct can be reported through the schools feedback form on the website or directly to a teacher or staff member. If a complaint is made against a staff member, the seriousness of the allegation and evidence will be taken into account and may result in an immediate temporary suspension, disciplinary action or immediate dismissal.

6. Recruitment

In accordance with the Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016, all staff who work with children in any capacity are required to hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) undertaken by the Department of Human Services Central Assessment Unit (DHS).

To ensure only the most suitable people are employed by the School, we maintain a rigorous recruitment, screening and training process that includes:

  1. Duty statements for roles that involve working with children that clearly state our commitment to providing a safe environment for children and young people.

  2. Interview and referee checks on all employees.

  3. A requirement for all staff to hold a current working with children check undertaken by the Department of Human Services Central Assessment Unit.

  4. New employees who already hold a WWCC are required to provide their contact details and Unique Identifier to be verified and registered with the DHS as an employee of the school.

  5. WWCCs are conducted every 5 years for current staff.

  6. Notifying the DHS Screening Unit if the school becomes aware of any information that may prohibit a staff member from working with children. This can be reported through the DHS online portal by management.

  7. Not employing any person who is identified as a prohibited person through the screening process.

7. Supervision, training and support for employees and volunteers

Ruth Tuck Art School has strategies in place to support all staff and volunteers to maintain child safe environments:

  1. All staff undertake an induction that includes reading, understanding and agreeing to this policy, the school’s Code of Conduct and any other relevant policies and procedures as well as information on mandatory notification obligations.

  2. The school has a Child Safety Officer appointed to keep abreast of changes to child safety legislation and provide relevant training opportunities and support for all staff.

  3. All classes are led by an experienced supervising teacher. Supervising teachers are required to complete either RRHAN-EC or ‘Safe Environments: Through Their Eyes’ training every 3 years as well as First Aid training.

8. Reporting and responding to the reasonable belief that a child or young person may be at risk of harm

Ruth Tuck Art School is committed to providing a child safe environment that ensures children and young people are kept safe from harm and risk of harm.

Mandatory Reporting Obligations:

  1. All staff and volunteers that work with children or young people in any capacity at Ruth Tuck Art School are mandated notifiers.

  2. Relevant training and information is provided for all staff to remain up to date with child safety regulations, how to recognise signs of risk of harm and what to do if a child or young person discloses harm.

  3. If any staff member has a reasonable belief that a child or young person is, or may be, at risk of harm they are required to report this to the Child Abuse Report Line (CARL) on 13 14 78 or if there is an immediate risk, report to the South Australian Police on 000. This is a legal obligation for mandated notifiers.

  4. The staff member who identifies the harm or risk of harm is the person who makes the report to CARL. They do not need approval from management or any other staff member to make a report.

  5. That staff member must notify management when a report has been made to CARL or the Police regarding a student at the school (where the alleged perpetrator is not associated with the school). Appropriate support will be provided to the reporter, including access to counselling if required.

  6. If there is a reasonable belief that a child or young person is, or may be at risk of harm by a staff member or adult associated with the school it must be reported to CARL. Management should be notified as soon as possible and the seriousness of the allegation and evidence will be taken into account to determine the necessary actions which may result in immediate temporary suspension, disciplinary action or instant dismissal. While a case is under investigation it may be negotiated for the accused to take leave or be suspended on full pay. If the accused admits the allegation or the police charge the accused, they will be suspended without pay. Their absence will be explained to students without disclosing the allegation.

  7. Support for children and young people will be provided following any incident including counselling if necessary. Information and phone numbers for support services are displayed at the school.

9. Reporting and responding to complaints or feedback

Feedback is encouraged and made accessible via the school’s website as well as in person or through email communications. The Ruth Tuck Art School deals with all complaints, grievances and feedback promptly, sensitively and fairly.

Complaints and feedback of a serious nature, along with any resulting decisions or outcomes are documented and securely stored. If a complaint is unable to be resolved through informal discussions, it must be referred to management and a formal meeting with all parties involved may be arranged. Procedural fairness will be followed at all times throughout the complaint handling process.

If a complaint is made, or concern raised with any staff member about the behaviour or conduct of another person towards, or affecting, a child or young person that relates to harm or risk of harm, they must follow the process at section 8 Reporting and responding to the reasonable belief that a child or young person may be at risk of harm. The school’s priority is always the safety and protection of children and young people from harm.

10. Risk management

The Ruth Tuck Art School identifies, assesses and takes steps to minimise and prevent the likelihood of risk of harm to children and young people using our services. The school implements hazard and risk management procedures and risk assessments to identify, prevent, minimise and manage risks.

11. Communication

The schools Child Safe environment policy and code of conduct are provided to all employees during induction. They are also provided to students and or parents/caregivers upon enrolment and are available to view via the schools website and by request.

12. Related policies and procedures

Code of Conduct - Working with children and young people

Photography policy

Hazard and risk management procedure

Policy review

This policy will be reviewed at least once every five years as required by the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 or earlier in the following instances:

  1. New or added risks are identified for children or young people, which may require a change in the policy or procedures.

  2. A critical incident where a child or young person has experienced harm through involvement with the school.

  3. Concerns are raised by anyone involved with the school regarding child safety or welfare within the school.

  4. Awareness or compliance to the policy is low.

  5. Where this policy or any other child safe environments policies/procedures are updated, a new compliance statement will be lodged with the Department of Human Services.

Appendix A: Policy amendments

Version 1.0 Created 22/12/21 Next review date: 22/12/26

Issue Date: 22/12/21 Version 1.0 Page 4 of 6

Code of Conduct - Working with Children and Young People

The Ruth Tuck Art School is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all children and young people.

This Code of Conduct outlines expected and appropriate standards of behaviour by all staff (including volunteers and contractors) towards children within the Ruth Tuck Art School.

These guidelines have been developed to protect children and reduce any opportunities for harm to occur. It provides guidance to Ruth Tuck Art School staff on how best to support children and prevent or better manage difficult situations.

All staff are responsible for promoting the safety and well-being of children and young people by:

  • Adhering to Ruth Tuck Art School’s Child Safe Environments Policy at all times and taking all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

  • Treating all people including staff, teachers, volunteers, parents, children and young people with dignity, equality, and respect.

  • Listening to children and young people and responding to their ideas, views and opinions with respect.

  • Being sensitive to the needs of Indigenous children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and children with a disability.

  • Being alert to children and young people who are, or may be at risk. All staff at the Ruth Tuck Art School are mandatory notifiers and are required to report any concerns,

    suspicions or disclosures of harm or risk of harm to the Child Abuse Report Line (13 14 78).

  • Responding promptly and fairly to any serious complaint made by a parent/guardian, child or young person.

    Ruth Tuck Art School staff must not:

  • Engage in rough, physical activities.

  • Work with children or young people while under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.

  • Discriminate against any child or young person because of age, gender, cultural background, religion, vulnerability, disability, or sexuality.

  • Develop ‘special’ relationships with children or young people that may be seen as favouritism, including giving gifts, special treatment or inappropriate attention.

  • Show over-familiar physical affection or any unnecessary physical contact with children or young people.

  • Subject children to any form of physical punishment, social isolation or any other conduct likely to humiliate or frighten children.

  • Do things of a personal nature for a child or young person that they can do themselves such as going to the toilet or changing clothes.

  • Share personal or private information.

Ruth Tuck Art School Photography Policy

From time to time we photograph students and or their artwork for use on Ruth Tuck Art School’s social media pages, website and advertising material. Care is taken to ensure that photographs and video recordings are taken in a respectful manner with the student’s consent and students, their work and the art school are portrayed in a positive manner.

Photographs are taken by staff on the school’s devices and are stored securely. No child’s surname or other identifying characteristic such as school uniform is to be published in any media or advertising material.

Parents, caregivers and any other visitors to the art school are prohibited from taking photographs that may include any child other than their own.

If parents/caregivers have any concerns about their child/ren being photographed or filmed, or would like to exclude their child from photography and video please

All lessons and demonstrations are the intellectual property of Ruth Tuck Art School and are not to be photographed, recorded or copied in any way.

Issue Date: 22/12/21 Version 1.0